How to

Logbook Change of Address

Everything you need to know about changing address on your logbook V5C
4 mins

Logbook (V5C) Change of Address

There are many organisations that need to be notified of your new address when you move. Changing your address on your logbook is a must to avoid financial penalties. This guide will cover everything you need to know about notifying a change of address on your logbook (V5C).

This guide will cover the following:

How do I change address on my logbook (V5C)?

To change the address on your logbook, head to the DVLA Change your address on your vehicle log book (V5C) website.

Logbook online change of address

If you decide to change the address on your logbook by post, you must write your new address in section 3 of your logbook and send it to the DVLA.

Logbook section 1 - change of address details
Logbook section 1 - change my vehicle details

What do I need to update my address on my logbook (V5C)?

To update your address on your logbook (V5C), you will need the following:

  • Your logbook reference number
  • Your vehicle registration number
  • Your previous address
  • Your new address
  • You email address

When do I need to change my address on my logbook (V5C)?

If you are using the online change of address logbook service, your logbook should be with you within a week and will be sent to your new address. Make sure you have moved into your new property, so your logbook doesn’t end up in the wrong hands.

Why do I need to update my address on my logbook (V5C)?

You need to notify a change of address on your logbook to ensure you are not liable for any fines. You could be fined up to £1000 for failing to inform the DVLA of your new address. You also need to notify a change of address on your logbook to ensure your car insurance is not void in case of a claim.

Where can I update my address on my logbook (V5C)?

The DVLA has recently introduced a service to change your address on your logbook (V5C) online. Previously, if you had to change the address on your logbook, you had to write your new address on your logbook and send it by post. This service has been overdue!

What happens after I have updated my logbook (V5C)?

If you have changed the address on your V5C online, you should get your updated logbook within a week. If you have changed the address by post, you should get your new logbook within 5-6 weeks.

Can I change my logbook (V5C) by post?

You can still change the address on your logbook by post; expect to be waiting for a few weeks. You will need to send your logbook to:
SA99 1BA

Can I update my logbook (V5C) if I am moving abroad?

Yes, you will need to let the DVLA know if you are taking your vehicle out of the UK, including the Channel Islands (Jersey and Guernsey), Isle of Man or Northern Ireland, for 12 months or more. This is classed as a permanent export. For a permanent export, you will need to:

  1. Fill out section 5 of your logbook
  2. Send the completed permanent export section to the DVLA
  3. Keep the rest of your logbook as you will need it to register your vehicle in the country you are taking it to.
Logbook scetion 5 - permanently exporting vehicle
Logbook section 5 - Permanently exporting vehicle

Do I have to pay to update my address on my logbook (V5C)?

You don’t have to pay to update your logbook V5C to update your address. If you have lost your logbook, you will have to pay a fee of £25 for a replacement.

Do I need to update my logbook (V5C) when I go to university?

Yes, you will need to change the address on your logbook V5C if you are moving to university and are taking your vehicle. If you fail to change your address on your licence, you could be liable for a £1000 fine from the DVLA.

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