How to

Monzo Change of address

Everything you need to know about notifying a change of address with Monzo
2 mins

Monzo Change of Address

Moving to a new place can be very exciting, but it also comes with a lot of responsibilities, including updating your address with all your service providers. One of the most important is your bank, as it ensures that you receive important communication and updates related to your account. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of notifying Monzo Bank of your change of address.

This guide will cover the following:

How to Update your details with Monzo using the Moveinout service

  1. To get started, let us know your details, the addresses you're moving from and to and the date of your move.
  2. You will have the option to choose the organisations that you wish to inform about your new address. Monzo will be one of the organisations you can notify, you can also notify other service providers, such as utility companies, other banks, and vets.
  3. Once you've selected the organisations you want to notify of your address change, you can submit your change of address request, and Moveinout will automatically send the notifications directly to the service providers you’ve selected on your behalf, and you should receive confirmation from each organisation that your address has been updated.

How to update your address using your Monzo App

To update Monzo of your new address when you move house, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Open up the Monzo app from your mobile device
  2. Tap on the profile icon on the top left-hand side
  3. Tap the settings cog on the top right-hand side
  4. Tap on personal details, and you will be able to update your address
  5. Confirm your new address, and Monzo should send you confirmation of your new address

How to update Monzo of a change of address by post

If you prefer to notify Monzo by post, you can write a letter requesting that your address be changed. You will need to include your account details, old address, new address, and your signature on the letter. You can send your signed letter to the address below; you should receive confirmation of the update when complete.

Monzo Bank
Broadwalk House
5 Appold Street

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